Project Roll Forward
Rolling the Project Start Year forward has historically been a cumbersome process involving manually adjusting many inputs. In Enersight 2.16, we have taken the first step in improving this process. In Project Options, you will now find a Roll Forward button next to the Project Start Year.

The Roll Forward button opens a simple wizard where you will enter the new project start year. When the process begins, Enersight will convert any activities that are now in the past to Static activities. To do so, Enersight performs a quick calculation to determine the activities that need adjustments. Time series data (e.g., capex, opex inputs) will not be shifted, so wells will behave the same after rolling the project start year forward. This includes time series user data.

Capital from periods that are now historical will be changed to be ‘Pool only’ to be added to appropriate depreciation pools. Note that adjustments may need to be made to account for prior depreciation.